Any touch plate controls lights or appliances in other parts of the home
One Button Home RELAY SLAVE
Programmable Unit Number
Wayne Simister - Automated Sound
June 16, 2005
A penny is used as the "touch plate" for this relay unit.
Remote touch plates can also be connected to this unit using long shielded control lines.
This unit has no AC power control capabilities. It has relay contacts only .... SPDT. One side is on while the other side is off. The normally open (NO) contact is the one which is considered as "on" contact. Also, no Sonalert audible beep is used in this unit. Instead, the LED serves as a guide for entries. A dim glow of the LED indicates that the relay contacts are in the "on" position. No LED glow indicates "off."
This slave unit, once programmed, remains this unit default unit number even after a power failure.
The One Button Home system utilizes electronic circuits located as a module in each light or appliance. Each local room has one or more touch plate buttons. One touch to any of these buttons toggles the room light on or off. Additionally, any touch plate button in the home can control any other remote One Button Home unit. When a remote room unit is turned on, the unit number is beeped or flashed out by the local unit to verify that the unit has come on. There is no beep or flash if the unit is turned off. This provides feedback on the state of the remote light or appliance switch.
An ordinary phone type line powers all slaves from the master One Button Home unit.
A second line, the touch plate control line, is a shielded line. It can be up to 100 feet and will accommodate other touch plates by simply tapping into this line at various points. A 10 megohm isolation resistor is used between the center conductor and touch plate.
Touch plates accept three kinds of entries --- Dits which are 1/10 second touches. Dahs which ar 1/2 second touches, and the long "holddown" counts which beep the Sonalert alarm (or flash the LED), giving the count number.
During normal operation, only the Dit, 1/10 second and Dah, 1/2 second touches are used.
A single Dit touch of the plate toggles the room light on and off. Two Dit touches turn the room light on for fifteen minutes. Three dit touches turn the light on for 30 minutes. Other Dit, timed light on, commands are listed in detail below. Other Dit and Dah touches toggle other remote units on or off.
If the unit to be toggled on and off has a unit number of more than ten, a long dah touch will multiply the entry by ten. Thus a dah followed by two dit touches will toggle unit 12.
Up to sixty remote units can be toggled in this way.
A long holddown touch of three puts this slave unit into another mode. If a given unit is desired to be only turned off, this three holddown count can be used. After the 3 flashes, wait a moment -- then enter the unit number. Use the same dit and dah combination for designating a given unit number. An "off" command to the unit will be issued.
To change a unit number, you must go into the "command" mode. Once changed, it remains this unit number until re-programmed. (even after a power failure)
Refer to the instructions below for detailed changes made possible in this "command" mode.
A single touch plate button is used for ALL functions.
Short touches of the button are considered Dit and Dah commands. A Dit command is a 1/10 second touch of the touch plate. A Dah command is a 1/2 second touch.
HOLDDOWN (HD) counts are done by holding down the touch plate button and waiting for a flash from the Program LED. Each flash increments the count by one. For example, two flashes equal 2 as an entry. Note that a ZERO entry is accomplished by a single SHORT, dit, button push (S1).
This mode is used for normal day-in and day-out operation.
SHORT Dit and Dah commands
Dit = 1/10 second
Dah = 1/2 second (A 10X entry)
One single Dit command toggles the local AC relay circuit on and off.
Two Dit commands turn the local relay circuit on for fifteen minutes.
Three Dit commands turn the local relay circuit on for thirty minutes.
Four to Nine Dit commands toggle other remote units on and off.
For control of units beyond the ninth, Dah commands are used. Should a unit be, say unit 42, four dah commands will enter the count of 40, while two Dits will be added ---- to make unit 42 toggle.
Other single Dit commands beyond ten are listed below. Note that 12 single dit commands, for example, are NOT the same as one Dah followed by two Dits. These single Dit commands beyond nine perform the following functions.
10 single Dit commands = activate the "lived-in" function. A single short flash after the entry is completed verifies the entry. The circuit is cycled on and off at random times from dusk until about 11:00 p.m. (1/4 the night time period from dusk) One flash of the LED verifies entry. NOTE: unit number is changed to unit #25 when in this mode.
11 single Dit commands= turns light on from dusk to 1/8th the night time period from dusk) -- the first part of the night period. Two flashes of the LED after this entry verify the entry. NOTE: unit number is changed to unit #25 when in this mode.
12 single Dit commands= turns light on for the last part of the night period. (Bedroom light function) Three flashes verify the entry. NOTE: unit number is changed to unit #25 when in this mode.
13 single Dit commands= turns light on from dusk until about 11:00 p.m. (1/4 the nighttime period) Four flashes verify the entry. NOTE: when using this command, the unit number is changed to unit 25.
14 single Dit commands= activate the night light function. Light is turned on from dusk until dawn. Five flashes verify the entry. NOTE: unit number is changed to unit #25 when in this mode.
15 single Dit commands= deactivates any of the "lived-in" or night light functions above (10 through 14). The unit number 25 is changed back to the programmed default unit number.
It is best to program special lived-in functions above (10 through 14) during daylight hours for best results. Because unit #25 code is used for sending dusk and dawn information, avoid using the #25 command for control of any other unit.
16 single Dit commands= one hour on for the lamp circuit.
17 single Dit commands= two hours on for the lamp circuit.
18 single Dit commands= four hours on for the lamp circuit.
19 single Dit commands= eight hours on for the lamp circuit.
20 single Dit commands= twelve hours on for the lamp circuit.
21 single Dit commands= eighteen hours on for the lamp circuit.
Command Mode
HOLDDOWN (HD) commands
(HD1 = a flash of the LED once, HD2 = a flash of the LED twice, etc.)
HD 3 to 9 counts
Allows a given unit to be turned off. Assures an OFF command. While in this section, a "Dah" equals 10X on the number count. A "Dit" enters a single digit. Thus a "Dah" plus a "Dit" would equal eleven, and turn off unit eleven. Similarly, five "Dits" would turn off unit five.
HD 10 or more counts
Puts this unit into command mode. See command programming instructions below.
HOLDDOWN (HD) commands
(HD1 = One flash of the LED, HD2 = Two flashes of the LED, etc.)
This mode allows special additional functions --- changing the default unit number is the most common use.
HD 3
Change default unit number (10 holddown counts, HD3)
Holddown touches are used for entries in this section ... except when entering a zero. A zero is entered by the short Dit command.
The unit default number is permanently changed (recorded in EEPROM memory) until reprogrammed by this command. That is, the unit number programmed is remembered when the system is powered down.
Two flashes of the LED indicate two entries are required.
The first entry is the MSD of the Unit Number (a short touch enters zero). Second is the LSD of the Unit Number -- continue to hold down the touch plate and count the flashes of the LED. The number of flashes determine the number entered.
Testing Only. Set the LS bits of the compare register for the clock countdown (10 holddown counts - HD10)
Note: No need for this command in every day use. It is mainly for test purposes.
Three flashes precede this entry, indicating three entries are needed.
Long touches are used for entries ... except when entering a zero.
Provision here is to provide fine clock time adjustments for better long term accuracy.
The default setting is 124 (Unit #4). This value was selected at construction time to run the clock slightly slow. This HD10 routine allows you to change this divisor.
If the device's 12:00 o'clock appears to start after the atomic clock reaches the 12:00 position, then the clock is running slow ... the preferred operation for this unit. HD11 can subtract seconds periodically from the second counter to speed-up the clock.
HD10 changes the master countdown divisor. Higher numbers slow the clock down. Lower numbers speed it up.
The ideal setup for the clock correction is to have the clock running slightly slow. Then using the seconds and interval correction (11 holddown counts), a given number of seconds can be subtracted at midnight each day, every other day, every third day, etc. This will then speed-up the clock to correct for the slightly slow clock speed.
Enter the routine by holding the switch down for 10 HOLDDOWN counts. Three flashes of the LED indicate that three entries are needed. A single flash after the entry indicates the value was accepted. All entries are done using the HOLDDOWN count (except for the zero entry, which is accomplished by a single short depression).
Remember that a short Dit command is used to enter a zero.
1. Enter the MSD (0-2)
2. Enter the Next MSD (0-9)
3. Enter the LSD (0-9)
The maximum value that can be entered is 255.
HD 15
Turns on a flash of the LED once each second --- a double flash on each minute. This routine is used only for testing purposes. (15 holddown counts, 15HD)
Once in this LED flashing mode, a dit touch of the touch plate or push of the "Program" button will release this routine.
For licensing information contact Wayne Simister (